- Battle Flags' Choices:
The Best Pro-Gun Sites on the Web
Constitution Society--best site on the web for Constitution
info, books and just about everything else
Owners of America---"the
only no compromise pro-gun group in Washington"
Jeff Chan's Firearm Page--excellent source of pro-gun info
Constitution Party--uncompromising, principled,
Constitutional, unlike the Republican party.
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms
pro-gun, no holds barred group
NRA - Home Page---largest pro-gun organization, great info, unfortunately, they compromise,
50 Caliber Shooter's Association
---info on .50 caliber weapons
(Buy one NOW! And buy a second one for a friend.
But, buy from an individual, not a dealer.)
Gospel Plow--Christian's
Guide to Small Arms, and other stuff. This site is down. I can email you a copy of the Christian's Guide to Small Arms, if you are interested. If you have contact information for the author of this site, let me know.
No Greater Joy.net Best site there is for raising children
the right way.
God and Gun Control--Research detailing the Bible's
viewpoint on private ownership and use of
Gun Cite.com
everything legal on gun rights, fantastic Second
Amendment research, articles, history, founding
fathers articles, etc.
Students for the Second Amendment--educating and hands-on training for
college students in Second Amendment issues, and
firearms! We support them!
Products We Whole-Heartedly
World's best text editor: TSE Pro/32, made by Semware. I use it and wouldn't
consider using anything else.
PGP: Pretty Good Privacy. Encryption. Read the documentation! This link takes you to the author's home page where you can link to a free copy of the commercial version, or you can support the author, and buy it from him ,
Locate Ammunition: (I don't endorse them, just list them)
http://www.ammoengine.com ,
Battle Flags Awards:
